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A Bond Like No Other

Updated: Oct 2, 2019


Natalie & Bonti

"Being lucky enough to have a dog in your life is like finding that missing puzzle piece you were always longing for. They make you laugh and smile and will pick you up whenever you’re feeling down. They are worth every bit of fur on the couch and every muddy paw print on the floor because they will always be there for you until they take their last breath.

Dogs are so appreciative of all the little things, they don’t need anything fancy to get by, and although we may think we are taking care of them by proving them with food, water, shelter and love, ideally they are actually also taking care of us too, just with their presence.

Here is a picture of me and my boy Bonti on his first birthday. It is a photo that I will cherish forever. I can’t imagine life without my boy, he brings me so much joy and happiness and makes coming home after each day worth it." - Natalie


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