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An Introduction of Sorts

Updated: Oct 2, 2019


If you haven’t had the great pleasure of owning a dog, than this blog is not for you. This blog is for those who have shared the experience of what a dog has to offer to the right person. It is for those who know that these humble creatures actually support and care for us (their owners) in unspoken ways.

As you may have previously read in my ‘About’ page, I suffer from anxiety and depressive moods. My dog, Bailey has been one of my biggest supporters and has assisted me through my lowest points. However, I am not the only one that has experienced this kind of canine support.

According to research conducted by the Mayo Clinic, there is a direct correlation between owning a canine and boosts in physical activity and mental health. Their research examined 1,769 patients using the metric of the 7 Health Factors employed by the American Heart Association; diet, body mass index, physical activity, smoking status, blood pressure, blood glucose and total cholesterol. The research findings found that the relationship between canines and their human counterparts translated into better lifestyles and improved mental health among those who owned a dog vs. those that did not. Essentially, those daily walks aren’t just satisfying their need for exercise, but are also helping you just as much as your canine counterpart.

Photo by Thomas Graning/Ole Miss Digital Imaging Services

However, it isn’t just individuals who have noticed the health benefits associated with canines. Organisations and institutions have also found that employing canines within the workplace have positive effects on not only employees, but also students. Take Rowan, the Counseling Campus Canine at the University of Mississippi for example.

Rowan is a young springer spaniel cross poodle who is in training to become the university’s first therapy dog. According to Rowan’s handler, Katie Harrison, she believes that after much research into the topic that Rowan can,

‘ de-stigmatize mental health treatment. We can let students know we are there when they see him, and that it’s OK to talk to us, and it is OK to pet Rowan.'

Now that you know a little of the positive benefits of a canine companion, you will begin to understand the importance that many of us place on their existence and why it is important for me (as well as others) to share stories of how these creatures have made our lives whole.


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